

Blacoh builds suction and discharge pulsation dampners for industrial pump applications. Various models and materials are available to meet pressure and corrosion requirements. Engineered support customizes each application to suit pump and system reliability.


SENTRY hydro-pneumatic products are manufactured to the highest quality standards in the largest variety of chemical resistant materials available. Simplicity of the design includes only one moving part, the bladder, a choice of air charging assemblies, and easy in-line maintenance. SENTRY products are engineered to a 4:1 pressure safety margin at ambient temperature and warranted for materials and workmanship.

SentrySENTRY operates on the principle that volume is inversely proportional to pressure (P1V1 = P2V2 ). Compressed gas is introduced into the air chamber of the SENTRY to a specified pressure. The gas is entrapped by the elastomeric bladder which prevents contact between the process fluid and compressed gas. Without the bladder, the gas will dissolve into the fluid and cause product contamination. When a pulse is created, fluid enters the wetted chamber of the SENTRY, displacing the bladder, compressing the gas and absorbing the shock. When the liquid pressure decreases, the gas expands, pushing the fluid back into the process line.

Sentry Sanitary

Sentry Sanitary

  • Pressure Rating: up to 80 psi
  • Capacities: from 4 cubic inches to 4.8 gallons
  • Shell Materials: Mirror polished 316 Stainless Steel
  • Inlet Ports: Tri-Clamp type Sanitary fitted
  • Bead blasted (unpolished) 316 Stainless Steel Food Grade units also available with sanitary fitted inlet ports.

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